Rachel Eichholtz

Oil Paintings



Still Life

Radiant Roses Workshop

It’s one thing to render a subject exactly as we see it, and another to capture the feeling the subject gives us. Your mind and heart hold equal importance in the process of creating. Bring your floral paintings to life as we study the effect of color temperature on form and light. In this workshop, you will receive tools and skills to provide guidance as you paint from your heart. Roses will be our main subject as we study how light affects color. 

Saturday, November 9th 2024

9a – 4p 

$150 museum member/$225 non-members

Plein Air Painting

Painting en plein air challenges me and connects me to my community in a way the studio can never compare. I am committed to capturing light, color, and movement of a scene as I experience it from life. 

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About The Artist

Let the beauty of creation stop you in your tracks and fill you with wonder.

There is always something beautiful to behold.